Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Watch Out For The Finger!

My almost 16 month old son, Jr. Peanut, has been up to no good lately.

While at my niece's birthday party a few weeks ago, my sister in law (SIL) came up to me to report on my son's activities. Apparently, when my SIL crounched down to pick up something off the floor, Jr. Peanut ran over and stuck his finger down her plumber's crack. I wasn't sure whether I should laugh or if I should scold him, so I just laughed.

Later that weekend,Jr. Peanut stuck his finger down my hubby's unsuspecting plumber's crack.

I was starting to feel a little left out when lo and behold, he stuck his finger down MY crack while I was bending over cleaning up all the water he spilt on the floor (he's in the habit of opening bottled waters and dumping their contents out-- that's another bothersome habit)

So if you come to my house to visit sometime. . . watch out for the finger. It might go down your a**.

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Misty said...

oh my gosh... why in the world? So hilarious... if ever there was a reason to wear granny undies! ;)

Whiskeymarie said...

That? Hilarious.
Make sure you remember this (and hopefully get a picture) so you can embarrass him later in life.

exskindiver said...

say no to crack.


Stacey said...

Ummm that is quite funny! Jr. Peanut will probably have lots of fun considering all jeans seem to be low riders these days.

Misty said...

Ok... I had no idea how to get back to you... I thought "Hey! I can myspace her!" But you haven't been there either...
So: #1, nothing is too personal so ask anything, anytime. and
#2, It wasn't technically the holidays when I saw that movie but A) I love movies and see them always and B)It was actually for work. I am a critic.

Butrfly Garden said...

HAHAH! Or make sure you bring a belt?? hhahahah! Funny kid!

Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.