Everyone I spoke to-- all my mommy friends seemed to not be affected by stretch marks. Not my sisters in law, not my brother in law's wife, not a single person in my mom's group. How could this possibly be? Every book I read said that 50% of mothers get stretch marks and I'm the only one that I know that has them. A true bummer. Even all the celebrities look pretty good like Brooke Burke, Julia Roberts, Kate Hudson and even Britney Spears!
Then I saw this over the holidays and it made feel much better:
Can you believe that that's Cindy Crawford in the top right picture that I circled? Yes, the beautiful, former super model. I'm glad there's some kind of reality out in celebrity land. Hope this makes all the other moms that have stretch marks just as proud!
P.S. Thanks everyone for the congratulations! I'm pretty excited and scared about #3. My husband and I maintain that the third child always rocks! (I'm #3 of 3 kids and he's #3 of 4 kids)